Monday 7 November 2022

Spirited away - Restaurant

Some renders of how the scene looks at the moment just in Max. I tried making the roof tiles on a single plane, but they didnt look very good. So im just using instanced tiles. The whole scene at the moment is 60k tri, 20k just being the roof tiles. 

Another bowl of food, this time I just baked all the food down onto a 1028. The high poly was somewhat in the millions because of all the rice. Maybe I should have just make a repeatable rice texture, and added the other food bits on top. 

I could get the tri count down on this by quite a lot, but Im leaving it high for the moment. Also the texture was just a default texture from Substance. But it think it looks okay. The rope parts around the base of the seat need to be a bit thicker on the normal map. And the secular maps aren't there. The rope on the ledges could look more like rope, the wood also is basic.

The stained glass doors. These dont have an opacity map on them.The wood also looks pretty flat, so I'll come back and edit them at some point. 

The counter, each piece is two tiles side. There will be 7 of them, so the roughness may make it obvious its duplicated, or it may not. Ill add some grungy decals over it to break it up a bit.
Substance painter is pretty good for baking normals from high models made in max and the AO maps to.

I really disliked my first attempt at some kind of meat(?) bowl, the second attempt looks a good chunk better.
My first attempt at lanterns were pretty sad, this is the second. The handle needs to be re-done as its a bit too low for what I'd like. Ill need to figure out how to make them glow nicely with an emission map. 

Pots and pans on a shelf.

I'm trying to do something small each day in the hope that it will build up to something more complete. Even if they're rough and quick, its more than nothing. Also it's quite good to have something that needs to be improved nagging at you. 

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